Nokia went green with the launch of biodegrabale, eco-friendly handsets. It wanted to play a role in painting the city green. But this could be possible solely by the participation of consumers. One of the most effective means to reach consumers and to make them aware of the new colour of Nokia is through a print campaign. Hence, the Thinking Tigress pounced on the idea of a "greener planet" to be used for the ad.
The three hands create a subtle gesture of the 3 R's of conservation of the environment - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. These are the hands of the spirit of the earth- "Gaia". Nokia has purveyed her the power to enrich the earth and revive its verdant beauty. The contrivances that Nokia has provided to Gaia are the bio-degradable handsets. She has emphatically accepted these tools and holds them in her hands.
The man's iris reflects a fresh green colour. This has been further emphasized by keeping the rest of his face desaturated. He has just opened his window and peeped outside. The panorama is lush green because of the alliance of Nokia with Gaia. Furthermore, the logo of Nokia has also been given a green leafy plume - a souvenir from Gaia.
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